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The Benefits of a Detox Program

The Benefits of a Detox Program

The Benefits of a Detox Program

Do you need to do a detox?

If YES is your reply to many of the following questions, have your answer…

Is your sleep fitful?
Do you drag yourself through your day?
Are you experiencing brain fog?
Are you dealing with recurring headaches or muscle aches?
Are you experiencing allergic reactions or sensitivities to certain foods?
Does your skin feel dull or inflamed?
Is your digestion is sluggish?
Do you have stubborn weight you just can’t release?

According to renowned functional medical practitioner, Dr. Mark Hyman, when your body becomes “toxic,” it means your natural means of ushering out metabolic waste has exceeded the threshold for what the body’s innate detoxification system can handle on its own. With this toxic load, every system in your body can become affected—toxicity makes you sick!

Types of Detoxes
The word “detox” has become so trendy (it’s as if it’s replaced the word “diet”!). There are many different kinds of detox programs out there, so how do you know which is right for you? From full-on fasts to juice cleanses to seasonal detoxes and whole foods detoxes, they all have specific benefits.

We’ve had great success using a a newly designed detox program that includes nutrition and essential oil supplements.

What makes our detox different is that it includes state of the art essential oil technology. With our 30 Day Cleanse and Restore Detox Program, the focus is on gradual detoxification that is easy on the body’s organs and yet thorough, which means you’ll feel lighter, brighter, and ready to conquer the world if you move through the program in the spirit of healing your body.

Length of a Detox
Our program is designed to last 30 days because we feel this is the optimal timeframe for you to rid your body of the toxins that are slowing you down and robbing you of your vitality. Any shorter and you may not derive the benefits you seek, and any longer and you may have a hard time sticking with it. In our experience, participants achieve the best results by carving out 20 days to cleanse and 10 days to restore.

How to Prep
When you undertake a detox or cleansing protocol, you should plan on giving yourself the time and space to focus on your health. However, unlike many other detox programs you don’t have to rearrange your life’s schedule to do our cleanse and restore program.  You can continue your regular routine with moderate changes in diet and being mindful of managing your stress and resting more.

You’ll also want to fill your pantry and fridge with wholesome whole foods and clear out any sugary, fatty, processed foods that are devoid of nutrients and may tempt you as you move through your detox. You may also want to get a journal to record your progress and any feelings that may come up during your detox.

What to Expect
It’s common for people to feel WORSE before they feel better during a detox. This is sometimes referred to as a “healing crisis” or a Herxheimer Reaction, and it’s basically an immune system reaction to the toxins that are released when large amounts of pathogens are being killed off, and the body does not eliminate the toxins quickly enough

The most important thing is to stick these out, as worsening symptoms do not indicate failure; in fact, it’s just the opposite! It indicates you are on your way to renewed health and vitality.

Click here to learn more about  our 30 Day Cleanse and Restore Program:

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