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Transitioning to a Plant-Based Diet

Transitioning to a Plant-Based Diet

by Fay Epps MS, CHHC There are many good reasons to increase the amount of plant foods in your diet. Maybe you want to lose weight, or ward off certain diseases, or dramatically boost your nutrient intake; or maybe you want to move away from eating animal foods for ethical reasons. Either way, by easing […]

Eating For Energy

Eating For Energy

by Fay Epps MS, CHHC While it’s tempting to reach for a carb-laden, sugary snack or a creamy latte for a quick shot of energy as you hit a lull in your day, it’s really only setting you up to fail in the long run. These temporary energy sources send your blood sugar wildly soaring […]

Give A Little, Gain A Lot

Give a Little Bit Gain a Lot

by Fay Epps MS, CHHC Of course, you know that volunteering is a good thing, but did you also know that giving back enhances six key areas of well-being? Studies out of Vanderbilt University’s department of sociology connect volunteering with improvements in happiness, life satisfaction, self-esteem, a sense of control over life, physical health, and […]