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Spiritual Sex – The Slow Soulful Tantric Way

by Fay Epps MS, CHHC

Tantric Sex Tips

The ancient art of tantra involves thinking of sex as a divine dance that plugs you in to a source of eternal arousal as opposed to mere intercourse and climax. And while tantric sex seems to conjure images of Sting, enlightened Sufis, or classic Kama Sutra texts, it’s not so esoteric that you can’t incorporate some of its core principles into your lovemaking to deepen the connection with your partner and experience soaring pleasure.

Originating in India some 6,000 years ago, tantric rituals provide a means of surpassing the physicality of sex and transcending into spiritual union. Hailing from Sanskrit, the sacred language of Hinduism, the root of the word “tan” means “to expand, spin out, weave; to put forth or manifest.” Tantra involves a harmonious flow of energy between yourself, your partner and the universe. Expansive and intimate, here are some tantric techniques to try.

Create a Sacred Space—To honor your union, select a private area of your home and make it a beautiful sharing space for sex, meditation, and reflection. Make sure it’s clean, comfortable, and relaxing. Adorn the space with candles, incense, flowers, photos or other keepsakes, comfortable pillows and linens in soothing colors—anything that cultivates an aura of warmth and safety. This will become the stage for your tantric encounters.

Eyes Wide Open— Spend time consciously gazing into your partner’s eyes in silence. This goes beyond looking at one another’s eyes and allows you to look deeper into one another’s souls. It helps you and your partner to harmonize your energy and brings about a calming meditative state. Practice this daily as it’s an essential element for building intimacy.

Breathe Together—While siting quietly and holding each other’s gaze take soft, but deep breaths in rhythm with your partner. In through your nose; out through your mouth. Continue breathing in this way for 10 minutes. It may feel strange at first, but over time shallow breaths will give way to much deeper breathing and ignite the energy in your chakras in preparation for a sacred encounter.

Slow and Sensual—When you move into the most physically erotic phase of your lovemaking, focus on extending foreplay for 30 minutes without allowing orgasm. Instead, focus on the pleasurable feelings that arise in the moment—travel to the edge and come back again. When you are ready to climax, you may find it easy to achieve multiple orgasms!

Communicate and Appreciate— Summon the courage to clearly express your needs and desires to your partner. The more you get in the habit of openly sharing in this way, the more expansive you’ll feel. You’ll also want to honor your partner by freely give voice to your love, respect, and desire for him/her.

Adding some oils to the mix– Essential oils have been used for thousands of years to enhance sexual pleasure. Oils of sandalwood, jasmine and rose are well know for their aphrodisiac qualities. Try giving your parter a message using fractionated coconut oil and a few drops of jasmine, sandalwood or rose and take the lovemaking to the next level.

As you develop your tantric rituals you’ll find yourself expanding your capacity for intimacy in ways you didn’t know were possible. In the process, you and your partner will feel cherished in a way that not only satisfies your libido, but also nourishes your soul.

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Resources — Your Resource for Tantra, Tantric Sex and The Kama Sutra

The Modern Kama Sutra: The Ultimate Guide to the Secrets of Erotic Pleasure by Kamini

Thomas and Kirk Thomas