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Interactive Health Sessions


Interactive Health Sessions

Interactive Health Sessions are for you to get information on natural health, nutrition, and exercise that is easy to understand and act upon. The Sessions are grouped under this menu and categorized under the Food, Awareness, Relaxation, Exercise, Wellness, Encouragement, Laughter and Love menus. You can use them in any order you like, but we recommend that you start with the “Setting Goals” session under the Encouragement menu. You can navigate to it under this menu > Encouragement > Setting Goals.

In these self-directed sessions you will monitor your progress, as well as your successes and challenges in looking after yourself. You will experience major changes in your life, and we are honored to contribute to this process.

Since this program is controlled by you, ultimately the results depend on you: What you put in; you will get out. However, please take advantage of our community and reach out to other members for support and encouragement. If you get stuck and think you may need experienced professional help you can request a live coach any time by calling the IHS Hotline at 818-339-8528 or emailing us at There is no additional charge for an evaluation to determine if you need a health coach or another type of health practitioner.

To get started please read and accept the following:

Dearest body of mine,

After careful thought and consideration, I hereby promise to:

Honor you as the temple of my soul

Offer you healthy foods and drinks

Realize that you deserve to be healthy

Overcome the addictions that hurt you

Love and appreciate you for what you do

Accept that I have the power to heal you

Adorn you with nice, comfortable clothes and shoes

Realize that laughter, play and rest help you feel good

Exercise regularly and appropriately for my body type

Accept you and be grateful for you just the way you are

Listen to messages you are sending me when you are hurt or sick

Understand that my unexpressed emotions and thoughts affect you



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Adapted from Integrative Nutrition